party posse

Party Posse on the event scene

Live Music Presents the Master of Percussion Jeremy Bonarriba, with an exclusive insight on one of Aruba’s prime dance bands: Party Posse.

We sat down with Jeremy at Sunny Ray Aruba’s studio for a quick interview on what’s new with Party Posse.

Live Music: Tell us, when was Party Posse established?

Jeremy: Party Posse has been together with, Jairo Boekhoudt on vocals, Angelo Kock on the keyboard, Sergio Silva & Armin Solognier on the bass and guitar and myself on the drums, for over 10 years now.

Live Music: For what type of events is Party Posse most known for?

Jeremy: We as a band are thrilled about doing corporate events but, we also receive requests for numerous weddings and we love to perform together for all occasions.

Live Music: All these years performing for major corporate events and weddings, how did you establish this?

Jeremy: The band first started playing at local Pubs and cafés around the island, but quickly got noticed by different event planners and DMCs. Sure enough after that we started to go in to the event scene.

Live Music: How can you best describe the name “Party Posse”?

Jeremy: We have to make justice to the band’s name, so we most definitely make sure that every event we perform at turns into a Party.

Live Music: Tell us about the music preference for corporate events?

Jeremy: We have to be versatile for example, if the events starts with a dinner then the band will play easy listening music, from Jazz to Soul. Later on for the dancing and party the band plays it by ear and feel so, we need to have a wide arrange of music from pop to disco to classic rock, you name it.

Live Music: What do you think makes an event in Aruba different and unique?

Jeremy: It can be the most simple thing like, dancing barefoot on our white sandy beaches.

Live Music: What is to be expected for the upcoming seasons from Party Posse?

Jeremy: More music of course! We are working a lot more on production so you will undoubtedly see more audio visual material from us. Expect to enjoy your event from start to finish.

Live Music: Thank you Jeremy for taking the time and giving us insight on Party Posse.

Jeremy: Hey! It’s always my pleasure.

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