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Extending Aruba’s musical culture

                                                                                                Exprodesk’s music business workshop. Last week the Aruban government contributed to Aruba’s musical development by organizing Exprodesk’s first ever music business workshop under the guidance of Sharon Mejier and Susanne van Ness. The three day intensive workshop was conducted by Mr. Carlos Delgado Imber from Nex consulting and Guïra Music Publishing. In those three days Mr. Delgado elucidated all the instruments that music stakeholders and entrepreneurs need to successfully export their music and generate (more) revenue outside Aruba. He covered 5 different topics in depth among others: Live Music, Music Distribution, Publishing and much more. Various talented Aruban musicians and entrepreneurs attended the workshop including two musicians that Live Music Aruba manages and Sunny Ray Aruba associates. We are very proud of everyone that attended the workshop and received their certificate. We believe in their ability to use all the information they gained and skills they learned at the music business workshop to propagate Aruba’s music internationally. An enormous thank you goes to Sharon and Sussane for granting Aruban musicians and producers this amazing opportunity and Mr. Carlos Delgado for the priceless knowledge he passed on about exporting music. Our congratulations to all attendees for wanting to educate themselves more on the music industry, for having that drive to grow professionally and most importantly for their passion to cultivate Aruba’s musical culture overseas.

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